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LAKINBERG offers two kinds of due diligence services for intending business relationships involving Value(Tangible or intangible), Financial or Business Risk Exposure and Commercial Associations Locally and Internationally. This service runs Locally and Internationally in the United Kingdom , the United States , the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.



This is one-off profiling of a potential transaction our Client intends to engage in with an unknown individual or business.

LAKINBERG reviews and profiles the third party to ensure transparency, business integrity and fraud prevention.



LAKINBERG carries out a review on behalf of our Clients who intend to start a new business relationship with a potential Business Partner or Client.

This is a way to identify 4 fundamental indicators in making a forward or backward decision about a potential commercial or business relationship.


The 4 indicators are:


  1. Risk exposure:

This measures the amount of risk our Client would be exposed to in signing a business contract or entering a business relationship with a potential partner. Also, the current liabilities of the other party would be measured against the risk of our Clients’ exposure. Financial liabilities, legal liabilities and every form of commercial risks are reviewed before our Clients are advised on a positive or negative decision about the relationship.


  1. Fraud Prevention:

Lakinberg’s seasoned professionals have the best questions and review mechanisms to detect a potentially fraudulent transaction and prevent our Clients from such relationships.

Regardless of the stage of the transaction , whether the business relationship has started or not, we are able to prevent further losses by identifying red flags and advising our Clients to discontinue.


  1. Business Pedigree:

We review for business pedigree to determine the business history of a potential business Partner or relationship our Clients are considering.

This is one of the ways to identify the ability of these potentials to meet up with their obligations on the relationship. The number of years in business, the maximum amount of volume traded, the weight of risk managed and the amount of credit appetite may be part of factors to be considered and many more indicators to determine the feasibility of a potential business relationship.


  1. Anti-Money Laundering:

LAKINBERG’s professionals are anti-money laundering experts with the best brains to ensure:

* Regulatory compliance of all transactions

*Legal and business integrity

*International law compliance

*Prevention of rule violations and breach of anti-money laundering regulations

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+12402647232, +12024348932

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